My Cup Overflows

Does your cup overflow? How has God blessed you? Pastor Kyle Madson continue our series on the different parts of the church service. Today we ask the question, "why do we give an offering?" Do you know? Join us to find out!

I Wish I Could Start Over

Do you ever wish you could start over? Have a clean slate? A new beginning? There's a way you can. Join Pastor Tim Hartwig today as he shares a message of love and forgiveness.

What a Great Sermon!

What makes a sermon great? Today Pastor Kyle Madson shares the most important criteria for knowing if a sermon is great.

What is Hope?

How certain is your hope? We hope for a lot of things in life and many of those things are uncertain. Today Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us about something of which we can be certain: hope through Jesus

The Lord is My Shepherd, He Guides Me

Do you like tour guides? Guides, often, can be very helpful when visiting someplace new or unfamiliar. Today we continue our series on Psalm 23 with Pastor Matt Moldstad as we dive into verse three.

What’s Trending?

What's trending? Who is Jesus? Today Pastor Kyle Madson talks about the Christian Creeds in our continuing series on church liturgy.

The Lord is My Shepherd, He Restores Me

What was your best vacation like? Was it peaceful? Relaxing? Or was it extremely stressful? Today we focus on verse 2 of Psalm 23 as we focus on Jesus as our Good Shepherd. 🐑🐑🐑(Know someone who's feeling a little stressed out? Remind them of God's love for them, and/or invite them to church, so they too can feel refreshed and rejuvenated.)

Happy Tax Day

Do you pay taxes? Do you know what the Bible says about taxes? Jesus actually talked about taxes. We join Pastor Tim Hartwig today to focus on the words from Jesus concerning taxes and what our attitude toward them should be.