Tag lent

God Forgets?

I have my father's memory. These are the words that I speak to somebody when I've forgotten something that I was going to tell them, or I forgot something that they told me.

Fake Friends

Jesus knew the pain of unreliable friends, as Peter denied Him thrice despite being forewarned. And yet, Jesus remained loyal, accepting the cross out of love. His unwavering friendship offers an eternal assurance of love, loyalty, and forgiveness, contrasting the faltering nature of human alliances.

What could he possibly do?

What could this man have possibly done to earn his salvation? He was nailed to a cross. There was nothing that he could possibly do other than just have a change of heart.

Happy Annunciation Day

Can you think of a holiday in the church year that is celebrated on the 25th of a month? Christmas, of course! But take that back then nine months. And what do we get? The 25th of March.