Can we play catch?

Romans 8:15 Is God Too Busy For You? Dad had promised to play catch with his son, yet all week it seemed like he was too busy. Even when he came home from work after supper he’d continually be working…


Exodus 20:7, Revelation 5:13b Oh my God. Jesus Christ. These expressions we hear all the time in our everyday conversation they even spill out of our own lips sometimes. OMG! Isn’t that just what you say when you’re surprised about…

Richest of Fare

Isaiah 55:1-2 Are you a hard worker? Many of us pour our time and energy into our careers and occupations. Why do we do this? Sometimes it’s for the sense of achievement, but more often than not it’s for the…

Christmas Joy

Galatians 4:4-5 Christmas feels good. The sights and sounds, the tastes and smells. My wife loves Christmas and the Christmas season. It seems that every year she’s setting up the tree, listening to her Christmas carols, earlier and earlier. Last…

Happy Reformation 500!

Mark 1:15 This October 31st marks the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s nailing of 95 theses on the castle church door in Wittenberg Germany. This small action was the initial spark that ignited the flame of the Protestant Reformation. If…

What does the Bible Say about Ghosts?

Hebrews 1:14, 2 Peter 2:4 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook As we get closer to Halloween our attention has turned to the supernatural and the terrifying. Sometimes we can wonder “is any of it real?” Today we ask…

John 3:16

John 3:16 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook What is the most well-known Bible verse? Without a doubt it’s John 3:16. It’s often put on billboards, it’s one of the first passages that Christians teach their kids. John 3:16,…

What do you wish for your children?

Matthew 28:19-20 A number of years ago my wife was creating a memory book for one of our sons. I remember she was going through the book she came across a section that said parents what do you wish for…

Comfort in Depression

Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Psalm 43:5 Recent research has revealed that 1.5%, 3.3 million people in the United States each year, are diagnosed with depression. 13% of the population is on antidepressant medication. Obviously depression is a…

Forgiveness is Free

Ephesians 2:8-9 The month of October brings with it the excitement of the costumes, candy, sights and sounds of Halloween, but for us as Christians there is another thing for us to celebrate during this month, and it actually lands…

What does God say about Marijuana?

1 Peter 5:8 Cannabis sales are booming. Twenty-nine states now have legalized medical marijuana and if my numbers are right eight have even legalize recreational marijuana. Christians are faced with a dilemma. What should their should attitude be towards marijuana?…