A Heart Of Wisdom

As the year ends and a new one begins we sometimes step back to look at the big picture in our life. What do you see?

The Grace of God has Appeared

Notice what Paul said: ‘the grace of God has appeared.’ He didn't say ‘the righteousness of God’ or ‘the justice of God’ has appeared.

What Does Your Name Mean?

What does your name mean? Does your name carry significance or did your parents just like the sound of your name? Today Pastor Don Moldstad tells us about Jesus' name and what it means.

What is Darkness Good For?

John 3:19 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook Can you think of some things that darkness is good for? Darkness is usually pretty good for sleeping. In fact you might even have blinds in your house that are called…

What’s The Worst Thing You Could Hear?

Luke 13:24-27 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook What would be the worst thing that you could hear from someone? As a parent you might think ‘oh hearing that my child has cancer or a terminal illness.’ As a…