A Change of Heart
Have you ever changed your mind? Have you ever had a change of heart? Pastor Hartwig tells us how God would have us change our minds, our hearts, and our actions toward him. Share this good news with us today.
Have you ever changed your mind? Have you ever had a change of heart? Pastor Hartwig tells us how God would have us change our minds, our hearts, and our actions toward him. Share this good news with us today.
Have you ever been allowed into a place that is usually off-limits? Maybe you've experienced this in an exclusive club, or with a back-stage pass, or... on Sunday morning at church?
What's your favorite board game? It feels great when the game is going well, but it feels bad when other players make you pay and it can be easy to hold a grudge. Today we join Pastor Tim Hartwig at the foot of the cross to hear Jesus' words of mercy and forgiveness both for those hurting him and for you.
In church, why does the Pastor say "Your sins are forgiven"? Does he really have the authority to say that? Pastor Kyle Madson explains the comfort that this part of the church service brings.
"For Jesus' Sake" Ever wonder what this phrase means? Wonder no more! Pastor Matt Moldstad explains why we say this in today's devotion.
Is chocolate good for you or bad for you? Sometimes it seems impossible to know what is really true. What about religion? Is the Bible true? Yes. The Bible is true and today Pastor Hartwig tells how that changes everything.
Why do some people give things up for Lent? Should you give something up for Lent? Today Pastor Matt Moldstad talks about the custom of "fasting" along with it's biblical roots, and whether or not you should consider doing it.
What's up with ashes on foreheads? Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lent and Pastor Tim Hartwig tells us what Lent is all about.
What's your favorite holiday? Most people wouldn't choose Lent when answering that question. Today Pastor Matt Moldstad tells us why he loves the Lenten season so much and why you should too.
Ever shine a flashlight through your hand? What if your hand glowed like a flashlight? Today we reflect on Jesus' Transfiguration with Pastor Timothy Hartwig.
(Transfiguration means a complete change of form or appearance.)
A rich man kills a poor man's lamb to feed his guest. How does the king respond? And how does this apply to you, today? Pastor Tim Hartwig brings a message of sin and forgiveness.
Ever wonder why we call ourselves "poor, miserable, sinners" at the beginning of our church services? While it may sound quite negative, this is actually quite comforting. Pastor Kyle Madson explains why.