The Lord is My Shepherd, I Lack Nothing

What do you lack? Most of us can easily name one or two things we wish we had in our lives. In his next six devotions Pastor Matt Moldstad takes us through Psalm 23, the Good Shepherd Psalm. 🐑 Right in the first verse it says "I lack nothing." Can this be true? Join us today to find out.

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

Do you tithe? What is tithing? Today we join Pastor Matt Moldstad for a discussion on what God says about giving. (Spoiler alert: God Loves a cheerful giver!)

500 Witnesses

How many people would it take to convince you that something really happened? Five? Ten? 15? 20? A hundred? What about five hundred? A lot of people saw Jesus after he rose from the dead. Join us today, praising God for his mercy and love!

40 Days

After Jesus was raised from the dead he spent 40 days teaching his disciples. Why did he do this? Today we join Pastor Hartwig as he talks about the importance of Jesus' work after his resurection.

Evidence for Thomas

Do you doubt that Jesus rose from the dead? So did Thomas. Jesus gave Thomas the evidence he needed to know for sure. Jesus also provides that evidence for you. Join us today as we continue to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus, the Christ.

Did Jesus Really Die?

Did Jesus really die? Today Pastor Hartwig tells us why we can be absolutely certain that Jesus really died on the cross and that he really rose again. Praise be to God!

All About Jesus

Lutheran pastors like to talk about Jesus. Even at funerals, they make Jesus the focus of attention. Why? Pastor Matt Moldstad explains the importance of this and how Jesus can dry our tears, even in the face of death.

Jesus’ Resurrection Calms our Fears

Fear. Uncertainty. Sorrow. What turmoil of emotions the women must have been feeling as they rush to Jesus' tomb in the early hours before dawn. 🌅 But the message they receive is a miraculous comfort: "Do not be afraid! Jesus is not here. He has risen!" ✝️

Into Your Hands I Commit My Spirit

How have you lived? When God the Father looks at what you have done will he be pleased with you? Jesus died at peace. And you can too. Pastor Hartwig has a message of peace for you today.