Where are you from? How do you pronounce "bagel"? Have you ever tried to hide your accent? Your citizenship is in heaven. And that is something to share with the world.
What makes Christianity different? Pastor Peter Heyn explains what makes Christianity unique from every other religion. (Pastor Peter Heyn currently serves at Living Water in San Angelo, TX)
Pastor Dan Ruiz's favorite time of day is devotion time with his family. It's a time to learn from God's Word, repent and offer forgiveness, grow as a family, and it's a safe place to talk about difficult subjects? Do you have family devotion time?
The Gospel, the good news of Jesus, is Alive. It holds on to us, it sets us apart. Our devotion today is from Pastor Kyle Madson, currently serving Norseland Lutheran and Norwegian Grove Lutheran in Southern Minnesota.
Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter. Today we have a special message from Pastor Josh Mayer currently serving as Pastor at Redeeming Grace Lutheran Church in Rogers, MN.
Romans is full of comfort, but it also warns us against things that could hurt us. Today we're joined by Pastor David Locklair, currently serving Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church in Portage, IN.
Pastor Don Moldstad wonders why Jesus didn't stay on earth. Wouldn't that be easier? But Jesus tells us he had to leave for a reason. Find out why in today's devotion.
How often do you lie? It's often our first instinct, to save our skin and get out of trouble. Thankfully, God continues to forgive us each and every day. His mercies are new every morning.