Discipline or Punishment?

Discipline is subtly different from punishment. Today we consider what the Bible says about discipline and how it applies to our children and ourselves.

A Long Reign

2 Peter 2:9 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook How interested are you in the royal family in England? It seems like every few weeks we hear more details about this family. There’s a lot of people that are…

Is this a waste of time?

I think the most challenging time for Noah and his family would have been seven days before the rain started. We're told they went into the ark and sat there and there was no rain for one week.

Stormy Weather

It was 8:30 in the morning on a day last week and a storm system came through. The clouds made it so dark it appeared like it was nine o'clock at night. It was just eerie.

Respecting Authority

Are you tired of the election yet? How are you going to react to the outcome? What does the Bible say about governing authorities?

Say Thank You

Don't forget to say thank you! A reminder to give thanks for everything with Pastor Matthew Moldstad.

Delighting in Difficulties

Sometimes God puts us through difficult things to make us into who he wants us to be. And without going through those struggles, we failed to reach our potential.

The Struggle Is Real

The struggle is real. Parents know the struggle of keeping children behaved during church, but there's good reasons to bring your children to Sunday service.

Two True Things

Jesus wants you to be free. But that means you have to accept some truths. Today we take a close look at what those truths are.

Poo in the Pie

Do all false teaching really matter? Notice what God says he doesn't simply say to be on your guard, to watch out for false teachers, but he also says stay away from them.

Morsels of God’s Grace

This Canaanite would not even let Jesus, the Son of God Himself, dissuade her from believing in Him. Lord grant that our faith in Christ be similarly strong.