God Has Goals Too

1 Timothy 2:4

January’s already over. How are your goals for this year shaping up? Many people have already given up on what they wanted to achieve this year. How are you doing?

When we look at our resolutions and goals for our year and for our life, we can realize that we fall short in so many ways. It’s good to have goals, but we are often terrible at achieving them.

God has goals too. He tells us in first Timothy chapter 2 that his primary goal is this:

[God] wants all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. —1 Timothy 2:4

You have goals for you? God has goals for you.

His first goal is that he wants you to be saved through a knowledge of the truth. God wanted this so much that he came in human flesh to be your Savior. You couldn’t rescue yourself from your sins. If you were going to be in heaven, if you were gonna obtain that goal, God had to do it for you. And he did.

Jesus came, he lived and died, he took away your sins, he opened the doors of heaven for you. God has achieved his goal of taking away your sins, but he is also achieving it here in time by connecting you with his truth through his word. God creates faith in the Savior so that you believe and will one day be in heaven.

So don’t give up on your goals because God has not given up on his. He will be with you throughout your earthly life and through his word of truth he will guide you through the doors of heaven for Jesus sake. Amen.

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Timothy Hartwig
Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Articles: 166