Into Clear Focus

To be a birdwatcher, you need some binoculars. If you use binoculars correctly, they bring distant things into focus.

Spiritual Birth Story

Last week we talked about the second birth that God works through faith in Jesus Christ. But today I want to ask a question how can we be certain that that birth has actually happened?

Evidence for Jesus?

"Frankly you don't even have any evidence for Jesus." How would you respond to this? Pastor David Thompson provides reliable evidence that Jesus existed and offers a better question to ponder.

Feeling Defeated?

Sometimes when people talk about the church and the state of Christianity in our world today, they can seem kind of defeated.

You’re Not Good Enough

Does God accept us just the way that we are? Whenever I get asked that question, I like to turn to John chapter three when Jesus has a conversation with Nicodemus.

Why Do Good?

Why should we do good? There's a lot of reasons to do good, but one of the fundamental reasons is that we were created in the image of God.