Throw me a rope!

When was the last time you felt stuck? What do you do when you're feeling trapped? Today Pastor Ulrich encourages us to follow the example of King David and call upon God when we're in need. Because we know he will answer us.

God is Love

1 John 4:16, Zephaniah 3:5 Watch on YouTube – Watch on Facebook God is love. You’ve probably heard that before. Maybe you’ve seen it on billboards. Maybe you’ve seen it posted online. What does it mean? God is love. Does…

A Strong Heart

What does a strong faith look like? Where does the strength of faith come from? Join Pastor Madson today as he points us towards the Lord who is our strength forever.

Are riots right & good?

Residents of the United States have the rights and even responsibility to peacefully protest moral and social issues. But does that freedom of speech extend to rioting? God's Word can give us some guidance in regards to this matter.

Walking the Rope Bridge

Am I really forgiven of all my sins because of what Jesus has done? Is my body really going to rise again from the dead? Is there really a heaven waiting for me after this life? God has given us very sure promises.

Other Side of the Cemetery

Right now we live in a world that is full of fear. We have this pandemic that is surrounding us. A family friend of ours, an acquaintance, recently came down with Covid 19.

Is God Sleeping?

Maybe you've been pouring your heart out to the Lord, just requesting him for aid, and wisdom, and help. And it just seems like there's no answer. You wonder, well is God hearing me? Or is he just sleeping up there in heaven?

Walk like an Acrobat

We live in a world that is hostile to the Christian faith and there are real forces out there that try to destroy our faith in Christ. That's why St. Paul encourages us to walk like an Acrobat.