The Secret of Contentment

Pastor Ulrich grew up in Southern California around people who lived in huge mansions and people who lived in poverty and he noticed something about these two different groups.

Praying Back Promises

Jesus tells us to "ask whatever we wish." What does he mean by this? Is this like a Christmas list we might send to Santa? Pastor Marques Nelson has the answer.

Your Good Fruit

What good fruit are you doing? Today we join Pastor Nelson to talk about how we, as branches in Christ, can produce good fruit.

Pruning Branches

We're joined by Pastor Nelson as we continue to talk about Jesus as the Vine. Today we take a closer look a the gardener.

The True Vine

And over and over Jesus says, remain in me as I remain in you. And that's where you're going to get your power and your strength.

Triumphal Arch

The oldest Triumphal Arch we know about was built 200 years before Jesus was born. Today we consider Jesus' Ascension as a Triumphal Arch for our entrance into heaven.

Leaving For Good

That day when the disciples looked up into the sky and watched Jesus ascend into heaven, some of them must have been wondering why is he leaving?

Worthless Treasure

In 1878 bandits hid their stolen gold somewhere in South Dakota. Yet, this treasure is worthless if no one knows where it is.