"They have taken away my Lord..." The tomb was empty and for Mary there was only one explanation. The body had been taken. Mary stood outside facing the tomb, weeping.
Look up and live. That was a safety initiative when I was in high school in Australia. It's also the instructions God gave to the Israelites in the Old Testament. And it's what God says to us even today.
God feels furthest away when we're in the middle of a temptation. Yet, we're not alone. Jesus has faced similar temptations and when he answered them, he did it for you.
God allows hardships into our lives to refine us. Yet even in these trials he is by our side, giving us strength and working everything for our benefit.
Have you ever wished God would speak to you? Tell you which decision to make? God doesn't speak to us audibly, but he does speak to us through the Bible.
Have you given up something for Lent? Pastor John Petersen suggests that perhaps you should give up Guilt for Lent. Put your guilt on Jesus, he has taken your sins to the cross in your place.
The passages that I personally find most comforting in the Bible are passages that make me look weak and small and that make God look great and powerful.