A Place to Call Home

Do you ever long for a place to call home? Do you not have a place you feel like you can really call home? Or do you feel like you maybe don't fit in? In the world or in your family, you're black sheep? Today's devotion is for you.

Day 6

Today we're going to talk about spiders. God created spiders on Day 6 of creation and while many people are scared of spiders, they are very amazing creatures.

Day 5

What's your favorite fact about sharks? 🦈 Today Pastor Pittenger shares his favorite shark fact.

Spiritual Swing Coach

Someone that has reached the pinnacle of the golf, you would think that, man, there's nothing left for them to learn. But he constantly wanted someone watching his swing. Everyone needs a swing coach.

Day 4

Today we join Pastor Pittenger for a devotion on Day 4 of Creation.

For Your Benefit

Our natural reaction to laws is to think that it's not for our benefit, it just intrudes on me doing what I want to do on my fun and my joy. But laws are meant for our benefit.

351 Prophecies

Did Jesus actually, really, truly, physically walk out of the grave on Easter morning? Did he actually rise from the dead? Is that believable?

Imposter Syndrome 3

When have you felt like an imposter? When have you felt unworthy? As we finish up our series on Imposter Syndrome Pastor Abrahamson reminds us that God is not afraid of our flaws.

Day 3

Did you know we know more about the Moon than we do about the bottom of the ocean? Today we're joined by Pastor Pittenger to talk about Day 3 of creation.