Food Allergies

There's one food to which we can never say anyone is truly allergic in the sense that it would actually do them harm.

Why Are You Here?

Why are you here right now? Now, I'm not just asking about, like, why are you watching this devotion video? I'm asking the bigger picture question, why are you here on this planet? What is your purpose? What's the meaning of life?

The Deadliest Sin

In Christian thought, there is something known as the Seven Deadly Sins. You've probably heard of a number of them before.

Heaven Will Be Like…

We as Christians, we like to talk about heaven a lot. I get the question a lot too. What's heaven going to be like? And really the answer is we don't know.

You’re Being Watched

Do you ever feel like you're being watched? Like your every move is being observed? Well, I can assure you you're not going crazy.

The Boastful Frog

There's a story that's told about a frog who is living in a pond and two friends who were herons and they all got along with each other.