You Know All Things

I was thinking about a couple of Bible passages that are, to me very meaningful as we think about the start of the next 12 months on the calendar.

Not of the World

Jesus Christ, who is the very light of the world now has to steal away in darkness to have his life spared.

A Narrow Road

Jesus uses a very simple explanation about two different approaches to life, two different ways of going through life, and ultimately to different final destinations.

A Big Mean Monster

Martin Luther had a very interesting illustration. He said, Whenever we sin and we look at God, we think of God like a big mean monster.

No One Else Came

I remember driving home after my children were born and thinking that something huge had just happened, but no one seemed to notice.

4 Temptations

Today, I'd like to read from John Chapter 8, which describes several types of temptations. As I read, I'd like you to listen to what some of those temptations are.

God With Us

700 years before the birth of Christ God gave an amazing prophecy through Isaiah. In Isaiah 7:14 we hear this: