God With Us

700 years before the birth of Christ God gave an amazing prophecy through Isaiah. In Isaiah 7:14 we hear this:

A Gift for God

I always felt bad that I didn't give much when I was in school. Thank you for being my church home while I was in college.

This Brings Joy

The Gospel has a transformational quality for our own personal lives and our marriages and our relationships to our children.

Patient Endurance

Sometimes we struggle with being patient. One of the professions that we have in our world that I think demonstrates the most patience and most reliance upon God is the vocation of farmer.

Who Do We Thank?

The United States, like many other countries around the world, celebrates a day of Thanksgiving. Maybe it begs the question, who do we thank?

Rosy Retrospection

There's a psychological phenomenon that I think that we're all a little bit susceptible to. It's called rosy retrospection.

Vengeance Is God’s

Revenge feels good if someone hurts us. Our natural reaction is to try to pay them back, to make them feel that same sort of pain that we felt.

Look Up and Live

They say there are two seasons in Minnesota, winter and road construction. And have had to painfully deal with road construction over these past number of months.