Hidden Manna
What's the point of salvation? What is it for? What are our lives for?
What's the point of salvation? What is it for? What are our lives for?
If you look at those verses very closely in Revelation chapter 20, you'll see that a time will come when the devil is unleashed.
God has the power to overcome impossible situations.
Last week we started looking at Revelation chapter 20. We saw how God had bound the devil with Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. So now we want to ask to what effect? To what purpose?
Are you for touchdown celebrations or against them? I could go either way myself, but I find it's a fascinating conversation to have.
What does that mean when we see that the dragon, the devil, has been chained?
Today we want to remind YOU that God love you.
What did Jesus look like? That's a natural question for us to think about as we think about Jesus.
While watching soccer matches, Pastor Pittenger finds an unexpected parallel between the game's final whistle and our ultimate victory that can only be found in Christ Jesus.
How much could you strip away from your Christmas traditions and still call it a real Christmas?
Amid all the trappings of Christmas, let us not forget why Jesus came to earth. Share that good news!
Don't you love Christmas? You know, except for a few Scrooges, I would say that most people in our culture, in our country, love Christmas. And why is that?