Vengeance Is God’s

Revenge feels good if someone hurts us. Our natural reaction is to try to pay them back, to make them feel that same sort of pain that we felt.

Look Up and Live

They say there are two seasons in Minnesota, winter and road construction. And have had to painfully deal with road construction over these past number of months.

Professional Worrier

It's a silly story, but it is fun to think that we have someone who does the worrying for us here and we don't have to pay for it at all.

His Response Shocked Me

How do you explain the Christian faith to someone? One approach might be to focus on natural law, to focus on conscience and to point people ultimately to Christ and what he has done for them.

Common Citizenship

It's interesting that she had this strong craving to be with fellow Christians, to be with people that love Jesus and love his word.