Poor in SpiritJesus Sermon on the Mount has been heard so often that we probably don't think anything he says is unusual.March 6, 2023Ken Mellon
Did Jesus Need to Die?Christians and non-Christians alike are familiar with the symbol of the cross. Here's a big question for us to consider. Did Jesus need to die on the cross?March 2, 2023Matthew Moldstad
Tremendous ContrastHave you noticed how often the Bible uses contrast to teach truths?February 27, 2023Ken Mellon
Love and JusticeThe Bible not only says God is love, but the Bible also says the Lord loves righteousness and justice. February 23, 2023Matthew Moldstad
A Little GloomyIf you've ever read or studied the book Ecclesiastes from the Old Testament, you know that it can be a little bit gloomy.February 20, 2023John Petersen
God’s RequirementsOver the course of my ministry, I've often asked people if they think they're going to go to heaven when they die.February 16, 2023Matthew Moldstad
Groundhog DayWell, it's early February, and so just the other day, the nation once again observed Groundhog's Day.February 13, 2023John Petersen
Like a TomatoThe mission work of the church is not intended to be an afterthought of Christianity.February 9, 2023Don Moldstad
The Year of the Lord’s FavorAre you familiar with the Year of Jubilee? Jesus came to pay your debt and grant you God's favor.February 2, 2023Matthew Moldstad
Flowing WaterWhen water flows, it naturally wants to go downstream and find the lowest spot. And that's kind of a beautiful picture of the Gospel.January 26, 2023Don Moldstad