Deny Yourself
I was recently watching a video interview of Elon Musk and Elon Musk was explaining how he doesn't even have a house that he lives in.
I was recently watching a video interview of Elon Musk and Elon Musk was explaining how he doesn't even have a house that he lives in.
There's a legend in my hometown. It goes like this.
My phone is ringing, pick up my phone, and on the other end of the phone someone says, “Luke, this is your conscience. You're missing your final exam.”
Growing up, my brother and I had the entire lower floor of the house to ourselves. It was awesome.
So can a Christian believe in aliens? It sounds like a completely wild question, but this is one that I've been getting asked a lot lately.th
Are you excited? It's hard not to get excited this time of year. It's the holidays, right?
When I was in first grade, I was a little bit mischievous.
What do you have to be thankful for? It's maybe a question that gives us a bit of pause.
What do you know about Zacchaeus? Maybe because of a popular children's song, when you think about Zacchaeus, the only thing you remember is that he was a wee little man.
A number of years ago, when I was driving along the interstate, I saw a sign for a church that had this passage written on it.
Do you like being called a Christian? Or do you like calling yourself a Christian?
Pastor Petersen reflects on the importance of humility and the dangers of pride, drawing on his life experiences and biblical verses from Psalms, Ephesians, and 1 Corinthians. He emphasizes that Christians are not the achievers but rather recipients of God's blessings, hence any boasting should be in God's work, love, and salvation, not personal accomplishments.