Autographing Books

Pastor Petersen reflects on the importance of humility and the dangers of pride, drawing on his life experiences and biblical verses from Psalms, Ephesians, and 1 Corinthians. He emphasizes that Christians are not the achievers but rather recipients of God's blessings, hence any boasting should be in God's work, love, and salvation, not personal accomplishments.

Amazing Wealth

This summer, children in Saint Peter, Minnesota should finally have been allowed to go out with bare feet.

“It’s Okay”

I'm sorry. I'm sorry I did that. I'm sorry I hurt you. Now, if somebody says that to you, how do you normally respond?

All Gifts are Beneficial

People possess different spiritual gifts and we might be tempted to look at other people and think, oh, I wish I could do what they do.

The World is Broken

Genesis 1-3, Philippians 3:20-21, Acts 17:31, Romans 8:19, Revelation 21:1-3 Watch on YouTube Something’s off about the world today. Whether you’re a Christian or not, you probably agree with that. At least most people I talk to do. But what…

When Was Religion Invented?

Genesis 1, Job 38, Romans 2:14-15, Romans 14:10-12, 2 Corinthians 5:10 Watch on YouTube When did religion really start? It’s a big question that many people have. There is been religion in human culture for as long as human history…

Bread to Distribute

Jesus is the bread of life from heaven that gives us eternal life, forgiveness, salvation. But there's something else we can learn from this too. Jesus gives us bread to distribute.