Footprints in the Sand

The "Footprints in the Sand" poem beautifully illustrates Jesus carrying us through tough times. But how do we know He's with us today? By spending time reading the Bible can we see Jesus walking with us during the difficult times of life.

Luke 24:13-35, John 8:31-32

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You might be familiar with this poem. Footprints in the Sand.

A man once dreamt that he walked along the beach,
and as he walked along,
he saw his life flash before his eyes.
As he looked back over his life,
he saw that for every memory there were two sets of footprints in the sand,
one belonging to himself and the other belonging to the Lord.
But as he looked more closely,
he saw that for the most difficult and painful memories in his life,
there was only one set of footprints.
Turning to the Lord, he said,
“Lord, when I needed you the most, why did you leave me?”
And you might know what God said back.
God says back, “those were the moments I carried you.”

It’s touching poem that means a lot to many of us. But my question today is, in a world where there’s no sand and no footprints in the sand, how do you know that Jesus is actually walking beside you? In fact, how does any of us know that Jesus is carrying us?

I want to go back to the last time we were together. (The devotions referenced here is Accurate and True ) We talked about Jesus walking with the Emmaus disciples, how Jesus had hid himself from them so he could focus their attention on the Word of God. (Luke 24:13-35) However, I would say there’s another reason that Jesus hid himself from those disciples that day. It was to show both of them and us how he walks by our side. And that is he walks with us as we remain in His Word. Jesus says, if you are really my disciples, you will hold to my teachings and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free. (John 8:31-32) As a church body, though that oftentimes boasts in keeping God’s true word, oftentimes we don’t know the Bible well enough. Oftentimes we make excuses. We say, I’ve already been confirmed. I already know enough scripture. I don’t need to continue to study God’s Word. Other times we might tell ourselves, I don’t know enough of the Bible, and I would be embarrassed if I were to come to Bible study at church.

God, especially Jesus, wants each one of us to make use of his word. It’s the most precious treasure he has to give you. The most precious treasure where he’s told you everything that he does for you. The forgiveness of sins. Giving you the resurrection and eternal life. If you think back to that account of the Emmaus disciples that evening, they turned to Jesus and they said, stay with us, for it is near evening, and the day is far spent. (Luke 24:29) Stay with us. Abide with us. Remain in our home.

As Christians, let us have the same attitude with God’s Word that we would eagerly and regularly study and inwardly digest, and especially treasure the gospel. And in a world where we oftentimes look back over our shoulder and wondered, God, why weren’t you there to carry me? Jesus wants to focus our attention ahead. To look forward. The future is dark and uncertain. I don’t know what lies ahead on the path for me or my family or my loved ones. But the only way I can be truly certain that Jesus is by my side, or that we’re in Jesus arms, is if we remain in His word. As we remain in his teachings, as we use the precious treasure of the gospel and Christ crucified, for ourselves and for others.

And the same Jesus who keeps all of his promises in the Bible promises to not only be with you and carry you safely home, but one day when you’re in heaven you’ll be able to look back at those most difficult memories. And you’ll be able to see the nail marked prints of Jesus’ feet in the sand. And he’ll say to you, “that was the time I carried you.” Amen.

Joshua Mayer
Joshua Mayer

Serving at Redeeming Grace Lutheran Church in Rodgers, MN.

Articles: 34