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Dorito Theory
Like a potato chip, so many things in this world offer fleeting gratification. As Christians we look to God who provided something that lasts: eternal life.
Matthew 6:11, Hebrews 13:5, Psalm 23:1
Lately on social media, there’s been going around this idea of Dorito Theory. Have you heard about it? The idea is that, like a Dorito chip, it’s full of flavor, and you enjoy eating. You bite it, this burst of flavor in your mouth. But the thing is, it never satisfies. Some potato chips are like that. They’re so full of flavor, but then they’re addictive and you can’t eat just one. And so you keep eating and eating. Pretty soon the whole bag is gone and you’re not actually satisfied at all.
It’s interesting just seeing out in the world that people are recognizing this and that this idea is resonating with the world, that there is so much in life that we do, that we fall into, that really doesn’t help us at all. There’s this instant gratification, but then there’s nothing more than that. For us as Christians, we see that this is a temptation all around us, and this is a temptation that we fall into. It’s a temptation that is presented in so many different ways around us in this world. Be instantly gratified. Have this thing here and now, and you will be happy. And yet, when we fall into that temptation and we take that and we bite on it, well, we are left without satisfaction.
What is it that satisfies? God’s Word has a lot to say about this topic, and warns about wanting more and more and more, and not having true satisfaction. For us as Christians, we want to proclaim that I have satisfaction with what God has given me. Jesus himself, in the Lord’s Prayer, he teaches us to pray, give us this day our daily bread. (Matthew 6:11) Lord, help me be satisfied and acknowledge that everything I have here and now that you are providing me with for my daily life is a wonderful blessing from you, or even also in Hebrews 13 verse five, this beautiful passage says,
Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have. For God has said: I will never leave you, and I will never forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)
We find satisfaction in knowing that God is with us, that God cares about us, that God has given us a promise to provide for us. Even all the way back in the Old Testament, the very first verse of Psalm 23 speaks about this where we proclaim,
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall lack nothing. (Psalm 23:1)
I shall not be in want. I shall not be left wanting more, because he gives me everything I need. What a comfort that is to you and to me. God gives us everything. He provides everything we need for this daily life and even better than that, he provides everything we need so that we can have eternal life. That’s why he sent His Son Jesus into this world. To live for us, to die for us, to rise from the dead for us, so that we can know that we are right with God. That he loves us, that he smiles upon us, that heaven is open to us. And if that’s the case, if he loves us so much that he would lay down his life for us so that we could have heaven, we can absolutely be confident that he will give us also everything we need for this life as well.
So don’t buy into those tricks of instant gratification thinking this thing might satisfy me. It’s just a flavor burst. Biting down on it, you’ll need more and more and more. See what it is that we have that truly satisfies. And that’s the gospel message, the message about our salvation given to us through Jesus. God’s peace be with you.