God Forgets?

Luke 23:42-43

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I have my father’s memory. These are the words that I speak to somebody when I’ve forgotten something that I was going to tell them, or I forgot something that they told me. My father can be quite forgetful at times, and I’m definitely his son in that regard. As human beings, we know this all too well. We forget a million things every day, but we also remember things for the rest of our lives.

Things such as good achievements and milestones that we’ve accomplished. Our first job. Our first relationship. Our first car, graduations, the list goes on. We also remember the worst things in our lives, such as the death of a parent or a loved one. We also remember the greatest sins that we’ve committed, whether that be lying to a loved one, to our wife, getting angry at our family, or our kids, lying on our taxes. There can be times when these sins weigh us down so much that we think it’s too great to ever be forgiven. It is in these times that we can remember the words of the thief on the cross next to Jesus.

Before he spoke these words, he was mocking God to His face while he was on the cross paying for our sins. But before he died, he spoke these words from Luke 23, verse 42.

Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come in your kingdom.” (Luke 23:42)

When you’re feeling weighed down by these sins that are stuck on your mind, when you’re feeling burdened by your conscience. Hear the holy and comforting words of Christ to the thief on the cross and to you. When he says,

Jesus said to him, “Amen I tell you: Today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

On the cross, Christ paid for all of your sins. He took the burden upon himself so that you will never face punishment. God accepted this payment and he has wiped away your sins completely from his memory. They have been forgiven and forgotten entirely. God loves you, and he desires for you to know that not only were your sins forgotten, but you are remembered as a child of God.

When Jesus comes on the last day, he will come to you and say, enter into my kingdom. Your sins will not be counted against you because the Almighty, all knowing God has wiped them from his memory. Jesus says to you, truly you will be with me in paradise. Amen.

Peter Estrem
Peter Estrem

Peter Estrem is a seminarian at Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary located in Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 4