God’s Active Hand

Hebrews 13:5-6, Romans 8:31-32

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Recently there was a news story about a teenager, 14 year old boy who was fishing with his dad up at the Lake of the Woods in northern Minnesota. This huge lake, over a million acres in size, 70 miles long. He was fishing with his dad and he snagged something off the bottom. He pulls it up. Lo and behold, it’s a wallet and it was full of $2,000 worth of cash. Incredible. Can you imagine the odds of that?

Now, they were able to actually track down who it belonged to and they returned it to a farmer from Iowa who realized that as he was fishing, he dropped his wallet over the side of the boat sometime during the day. He had no idea where it was. He had counted on it being gone forever. And that farmer in the news article, he speaks about the odds like how incredible. What are the odds of someone snagging my wallet and then being willing to return it to me? Incredible odds.

But for us as Christians, we don’t look at odds like that. I think this is something that we would look at and say, this is evidence of the hand of God. And we see things like this happening all around us. Maybe we even take them for granted incredible things that are happening. Sometimes it’s a healing or an accident that we see where someone walks away, where they should be dead, or someone in the hospital who was diagnosed with some terrible disease. And then they go back for a second testing and it’s gone. So many different things throughout our day that we might even take for granted. And yet for us as Christians, we look at things like this a wallet full of money on the end of a fishing line. And we might say this is evidence of God’s active hand.

I find that to be so encouraging when I hear stories like this, when I hear stories from people of these other things, to think that God is here for us. His hand is active still even in our lives today. So many people feel that God must be far away. We look at the disappointing, difficult situations that we face in this life. We think God must be far away from us or not care. That’s not true. The Bible assures us of that as well. I love the verses that we find, especially in Hebrews 13, where it says

For God has said: I will never leave you,
and I will never forsake you. So then we say with confidence: The Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid. (Hebrews 13:5-6)

God has promised to be at our side. He has promised to be our help throughout life. He is here, active in our world. Or another verse I love from Romans Chapter eight.

What then will we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Indeed, he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also graciously give us all things along with him? (Romans 8:31-32)

God is for you. And we see proof of that, as Paul writes here, especially in the sacrifice of Jesus upon the cross, He went to the cross for you so that your sins could be forgiven, so that you can have peace with God, so that eternal life in heaven belongs to you. If God was willing to go to all of that work, he’s going to continue to be working for you here and now. Take comfort in that. And when you see these little evidences of God’s active hand, rejoice, say God be praised. He is here and He is for us. God’s peace be with you.

Luke Ulrich
Luke Ulrich

Pastor Luke Ulrich currently serves at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 50