Life is a Journey

Psalm 121:8

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I’ve heard it said before that life’s a journey, not a destination. I think the point of that quote is to remind people that it isn’t about getting to a certain milestone, like finally getting to graduation or to your wedding day or to retirement, that’s important, but living life each step along the way. Enjoying the ups and downs of life.

How true it is, life is a journey. The psalmist in Psalm 121 verse 8 seems to describe life in this way. He says this

The Lord will watch over your going and your coming from now to eternity.

It seems to describe life as a series of goings out and comings in. Maybe we can think for ourselves as life seems to be a journey in that way as we move from one location to another, as we move from school to school, and job to job, from one position and one place to another.

And yet God reminds us in that verse that throughout life he’s watching over us. That’s incredibly comforting, especially as we think about moving through the various stages in life. There can be so much anxiety and apprehension as we wonder what the future will hold. And yet God reminds us that he’s watching over our lives, that he cares for us, that he loves us, that he’s with us, even as we enter into that new stage.

The Psalmist says something striking at the very end of that verse, he says, from now to eternity. I think with those words, the especially is reminding us that life is not simply a journey for journeying sake, but it has a destination. I don’t know about you, but I’ve met many people in my own life that it seems that they just like road tripping for road tripping sake. They could care less what the destination is. They simply like to be on the road. They simply like the excitement of a journey of a trip.

Some people view life that way that it’s merely a journey to be enjoyed. But it is a journey that has a destination. As God reminds us, that destination is an eternity. For us, as Christians, we know what that means. We know that means an eternity in heaven, eternity that’s going to be a far better existence than even the journey of this life we experience now because it’s going to be in a place where there is no suffering and pain and sorrow. It’s going to be a place of the eternal happiness but a place, especially where we are with God forever.

That same God that watches over us now is going to watch over us in eternity. That same God that sent his Son Jesus as your savior from sin to guarantee you a place in heaven is the same God that you’re going to be with forever. That you’re going to be able to worship every day of your life. That you’re going to be able to enjoy and serve. We look forward to that destination of heaven.

So God comforts us as we’re on our journey of life in the here and now. He’s watching over us, but he’s also bringing us to that destination of heaven. Amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 226