Grand Canyon Beauty

Luke 2:19

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I came across an interesting point of trivia recently. How much time do you think people spend at the Grand Canyon actually taking in this glorious view, taking in the beauty and the greatness of the Grand Canyon? According to a study that was recently taken, people who drive from all over the country to go see the Grand Canyon, the amount of time that they actually take sitting and taking in the beauty and majesty of this natural wonder amounts to about 17 minutes. Isn’t that incredible? Only 17 minutes.

Thinking about that and pondering certain New Year’s resolutions that I might make, it made me think how I want a slow life down and take in beauty and appreciate the things that we see around us so much more. I think this is an important point for us, also, during this busy season of Advent and Christmas. So many things are coming flying at us, so much busyness, so many anxieties, so many worries. So much to do, so much to think about that sometimes we don’t take adequate time to sit down and really consider, or ponder, what is going on, what is the meaning behind all of this?

At Christmas time, we want to, of course, focus on Jesus and on the message that God’s own Son has come into the world for us sinners. And Satan loves to try and get us so busy that we failed to recognize or appreciate that. And so in this busy season, I want to direct you to the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, and something that she did. She did it repeatedly, but especially even on the night of Christ’s birth. We hear in Luke chapter two, verse 19,

But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19 EHV)

Pondering them in her heart. That’s something that we also should take time to do. To ponder the wonderful message of how God has sent his own Son into this world, to be our Savior, to redeem us from our sins. How this little humble child born in Bethlehem is God in the flesh comes so that you and I can join him in the glories of heaven. That’s something worth pondering. It’s worth taking time to consider every day, set aside the busyness, set aside all of these other things, and ponder these things in your heart.

Martin Luther once made a shocking statement that he couldn’t get through his day if he didn’t spend the first several hours in prayer and in meditation, knowing how busy he was during the days of the Reformation, you might think how in the world did he ever get those things done? But he would be the first to say, I can’t sacrifice what is most important to have this time with God.

It is my hope and prayer then during this busy Christmas season, we too can have this time with God pondering the beauty and joy of knowing that our salvation has come, that our Savior is born to us. And we pray.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for sending your Son into this world, and in this Christmas season where there is so much busyness, where there are so many things going on, help us to slow down and to take in the beauty of our Savior and of the salvation that he brings to us. Amen.

God’s peace be with you.

Luke Ulrich
Luke Ulrich

Pastor Luke Ulrich currently serves at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 50