What’s Robbing You of Peace?

Is something robbing you of your peace? There are just so many things in this life that can take our peace away. God wants you to have peace.

Luke 2:13-14

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Is something robbing you of your peace? Is it financial worries? Concerned about paying the bills? Maybe your investments have turned against you. What’s robbing you of your peace?

Is it a medical diagnosis? You went to the doctor because you’re suffering in some way, concerned about something, and now he’s revealed what it is and you’re scared. What’s robbing you of your peace?

Is it relationship problems? You and your spouse aren’t getting along. Or you kids and you are fighting with each other. Maybe you’ve got a tense work situation where you’re not getting along with your workmates. What’s robbing you of your peace?

Is it something that you’ve done? Is your conscience plaguing you, keeping you awake at night? Is the burden of guilt making you nervous? What’s robbing you of peace?

There are just so many things in this life that can take our peace away. God wants you to have peace. And that’s why he sent Jesus the Savior. On the night that Jesus was born, the angels announced to the shepherds that a Savior had been born to them in the town of Bethlehem. And after that first angel’s announcement, we’re told in In Luke chapter 2.

Suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude from the heavenly army, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward mankind.” (Luke 2:13-14)

Many of those things that rob our peace connected with the future. We don’t know how these things are going to play out, and so we’re worried and concerned. We don’t know how our finances are going to turn out. We don’t know how that medical treatment is going to turn out. We don’t know how we’re going to patch up our relationships. We don’t know how to deal with our guilt.

But here we see that the God who knows the future, wants us to have peace. He sent Jesus to take away our guilt so that our sins would not cause us to lose peace. That we could have a joy and peace inside, knowing that Christ has suffered and died in our place so that we are forgiven. Through Christ, God is not angry with us. And we have the bright hope, the peaceful hope, of life in heaven forever.

With regards to our relationships, Jesus enables us to forgive one another to humbly accept where we have done wrong, apologize and to make amends in our earthly relationships. When it comes to our medical problems. We know that one day we’re going to die. But because of Jesus, that doesn’t have to be a concern. Through Jesus, we can know that after death, we will have the perfect peace of life in heaven. And our finances, if God is for us who can be against us? If we have heaven, that’s eternal treasure that no one can take away from us. So if we have Jesus, we are rich.

So what’s robbing you of your peace? Maybe the solution is Jesus. This Christmas, may you find the peace that God intends for you to have the knowledge that he loves you and sent Jesus to be your Savior. Amen.

Timothy Hartwig
Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Articles: 166