Christmas Feels

Does Christmas make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? I think many people would say that it does. Who knows what it is?

Luke 2:11-12, 14

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Does Christmas make you feel warm and fuzzy inside? I think many people would say that it does. Who knows what it is? Is it the cold winter air or is that first dusting of snow? Maybe the decorations, the lights that we see? Is it maybe the smells and tastes of Christmas or the sounds with the beautiful Christmas carols?

So many wonderful things that bring about good feelings inside of us during the season of Christmas. There’s a lot of people that enjoy that feeling, some that even want to experience it for a greater part of the year and will start decorating and listening to Christmas carols in even early November. Yes, we enjoy the warm, fuzzy feeling we have at Christmas.

The first Christmas certainly wasn’t void of feeling and warm fuzzies. We think about the shepherds in the field. Bethlehem, watching over the sheep, just a lazy evening, maybe as they’re about to nod asleep and all of a sudden they see in the sky an angel appears this miraculous sight. Not only this, he comes with an incredible message. He says

Today in the town of David, a Savior was born for you. He is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. (Luke 2:11-12 EHV)

What wonder and emotion must have filled them to see this miraculous sight, but then also to hear word the Messiah, the long awaited Christ, has been born. Your Savior. Before those shepherds get up to check it out for themselves, they see a whole host of angels who then proceed to praise God and say

“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward mankind.” (Luke 2:14 EHV)

Filled with so much emotion, those shepherds must have ran that evening to Bethlehem to check it out for themselves, was it true, what the angel had said? Is that baby truly laying in a manger, after all, what parent would place their child in a feeding trough? But sure enough, they found the baby there, just as the angel had said, and they were convinced not only that the angel was real. Not only that there was a very real baby, but they were convinced concerning who that baby was. That that baby was the Christ, the Messiah, their Savior from sin.

So with great rejoicing, they go and they start telling the whole town about everything that they had seen and heard. They continued, praising God. We think about the joy that they had at that very first Christmas and those warm, fuzzy feelings that must have been there. Those feelings weren’t based on plastic decorations or twinkling lights, they weren’t based on fresh baked cookies or on tantalizing music. There were based on real facts, true things that took place. An angel appeared before the very eyes. Savior from sin was born.

Yes, there are many things at Christmas time that give us warm, fuzzy feelings, many sights and sounds and tastes and smells that are all wonderful, and they certainly bring back many memories. Let us especially find our true joy in the message of Christmas. Not in all the outward trappings, but what Christmas is really all about: the birth of our Savior from sin, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 224