This Will Make You Happy

What would it take for you to be truly happy?

1 Timothy 6:6-8

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What would it take for you to be truly happy? I think all of us probably have a number of things that we have in the back of our mind that we think of that would make us truly happy. Maybe it’s if a certain event occurred in our lives. We graduated, or we got the right job. If we got married, or had children, or moved to a certain location, or maybe retired. Maybe it’s a list of things that if you just had those things then you’d be truly happy. The perfect car, perfect house, whatever else you might want or wish for.

The question is would that thing actually make you truly happy? I’ve heard it said before that a goal of advertising is really to convince someone that they need the company’s product. To make them feel as if there’s some sort of void in their life that can only be filled by what the company has to offer. But what happens when you buy that thing that’s advertised? Well we purchase it and like a child we maybe play with it for the first couple of days or weeks, but eventually we grow bored with it. We want something else. We want something new. It doesn’t give us the happiness that it promises.

In 1 Timothy Chapter 6 verses 6 through 8, Paul writes this:

But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we certainly cannot take anything out. But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be satisfied. (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

God tells us not to conform our lives to the rest of the world that seeks after possessions for its happiness, but to turn to him. He says godliness with contentment is great gain. He’s not saying if you be a godly person, well then God is going to prosper you and you’re going to have happiness in this life. Rather he’s pointing us to true godliness. The faith in our Savior Jesus Christ that in him, we really lack nothing. In him we have true happiness. In him we find contentment.

If you think about it for your own life what can be greater than what Jesus has to offer? Jesus, who offers us the forgiveness of all of our sins. Promises peace for us right now that we can know that we’re right with God. He’s not holding anything against us. Jesus, who gives us meaning and purpose in this life not to simply make as much money as we can to get the most stuff, but to serve him. Who lived and died for us. What could be greater than the happiness he has promised us forever in heaven? As he points to the eternal pleasures that will be ours there. Nothing is greater than those things.

Yes, if we have godliness, trust in our Savior Jesus Christ in contentment, we truly have something wonderful and great. That same God really has promised to provide for our needs here in this life. He’s promised to give us our food and clothing. To take care of us. He’s also said I will never leave you and I will never forsake you.

Rather than turning to all sorts of products or events or things in this world for our happiness, how important it is to find our happiness in Christ. Who overflows with incredible credibly happy things. Who comforts our souls and soothes our consciences. Who gives us purpose and meaning in this life who gives us the sure hope of eternal pleasures at his right hand forever in heaven. Yes, in Christ we can find happiness. Be content even in this life as he continues to provide for our every need. Amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 224