Hindsight is 20/20

Do you remember back to the end of 2019 or maybe even early 2020. It seemed like there is a number of different organizations that wanted to come out with a theme for the coming year. That theme was quite often 20/20 vision.

Psalm 103:8-10, Hebrews 13:8

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Do you remember back to the end of 2019 or maybe even early 2020. It seemed like there is a number of different organizations that wanted to come out with a theme for the coming year. That theme was quite often 20/20 vision. They thought they were so clever that they could see clearly their vision and their plans for the future of this year and beyond.

Now looking back on that it’s maybe quite humorous to think because 2020 brought so many unexpected things didn’t it? From corona viruses, to shutdowns, to riots in the street, to political turmoil, so many terrible things it has been quite a rollercoaster ride hasn’t it?

I’ve wondered if maybe next year maybe these same organizations might come out with a new theme. Hindsight is always 20/20. It seems like it would be appropriate, right? Because that phrase basically means if you’ve been through something you can easily see the way you maybe should have done things differently. It’s so clear like 20/20 vision after you’ve been through it.

I certainly hope the year 2020 has taught us a few things. Maybe taught us to be more appreciative of our own family. That can often be overlooked. Maybe taught us to take a step back from the busyness of life and from work and our activities. Maybe you appreciate the social gatherings that we enjoy. Maybe to just simply appreciate there’s toilet paper on the shelves in the stores. Yes, it’s taught us a lot. But maybe it’s also revealed to us our priorities in the Bible God tells us that is very first commandment is this: you shall have no other gods.

Looking back on the year I wonder if maybe some of those other gods were revealed in our life? Whether it was ourselves and our own selfishness as we didn’t want anybody else to get the supplies that we saw in the store. Whether it was our health and well-being that became number one in our life. Maybe even an idol. Maybe we saw it as we grew so angry about all of the things taken away even anger towards other people. And what about God and His Word? Was that our number one priority this past year?

Looking back on it hindsight is 20/20 right? We see our mistakes, don’t we? But God again and again in His Word, especially in the Old Testament as the children of Israel fell into idolatry so many times, he calls them to return to him and he reminds them of who he is. In Psalm 103 it says this:

The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in mercy. He will not always accuse. He will not keep his anger forever. He does not treat us as our sins deserve. He does not repay us according to our guilty deeds. (Psalm 103:8-10)

Reminds us of who our God is. He’s compassionate and gracious even though we don’t deserve it. We certainly haven’t always made him our number one priority especially over this last year. Yet he says his grace is still there for us. Tells us that he forgives our sins, that he remembers our guilt no more. Especially think of that treasured passage from Hebrews 13 verse 8 that says this

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

It’s quite a treasure especially as we think about that roller coaster ride that was 2020. That despite it all our Savior God did not change. And he will not change. No matter what the future holds for us. It’s true hindsight is always 20/20. May this new year be a reason for reflection on this past year to really think about our priorities. To see our sins, but especially to turn to our God who never fails us. But is the same yesterday today and forever amen.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota. http://peacemankato.com/

Articles: 224