Think About This:

Luke 2:19

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Do you write a Christmas list? My kids do. You can see them sitting down, writing, trying to think about the things that they want to get for Christmas. Some of the times they put on there just dreams. Other times they put on there things that they know they could potentially receive. They ponder it. They think about it. And then they write it down.

Pondering things in your heart. That’s what Mary did when she saw what happened at Jesus birth. This is what is written in Luke Chapter 2 verse 19.

But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19)

Mary saw the shepherds come and bowed down and worship Jesus in the manger. The shepherds no doubt told Mary about the angel’s announcement to them in the fields. That the Savior had been born. Mary didn’t just discard these things. She didn’t treat them lightly, but she didn’t shout to the world either. She simply treasured these things. She pondered them in her heart.

That’s really what God wants you to do with the gift of Jesus. To ponder it in your heart, to think about it. Think about the fact that you are not what God wants you to be. You have failed to live the way that God desires. And how is he responded? He didn’t condemn you, as you deserve. He didn’t throw you aside, as if you were of no value. He sent Jesus. He sent Jesus to bear your sins, to suffer and die in payment for them all. So that you can be freely forgiven. So that you can even be with God in heaven one day.

That’s something to ponder. That’s something to think about. That God loves you and sent His Son to be your Savior. So be like Mary. Hear what God has said about his Son Jesus. And ponder it in your heart. May that pondering lead you to know and experience God’s love. Amen.

Timothy Hartwig
Timothy Hartwig

Tim Hartwig is currently serving as President of the Evangelical Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Articles: 166