What are the Facts?

What are the facts? As we contemplate the facts around us, it's important to step back and remember facts about God. What facts do we know about God?

1 Timothy 2:4, John 3:16

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I want you to just step back for a moment and think about what are the facts concerning this corona virus? What do we know? We know that people are getting it at an alarming rate. We know that some people are dying. We know that the stock market seems to be crashing and life all around us seems to be shutting down. So many people are perhaps even losing their income and their jobs as a result of all the fear and panic.

We can also think about the result of what we see in the grocery stores. Those empty shelves, the run on toilet paper, and hand sanitizer, and hand soap and all of those things. As Christians that’s good for us to step back from all of those concerns that we see and to really take a different perspective when it comes to these things.

What do we know as Christians? We know that God loves us, don’t we. We know that God loves us because he sent his Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross to pay for all of our sins. And so we know that such a God, if he would do a tremendous thing like that, if he cares about us enough to send his holy and perfect Son to pay for our sins, certainly he cares about us even now. We can trust that this God will take care of us as well.

So in the midst of fear and panic we know the incredible love of God for every one of us. God encourages us to place our faith in him at such a time as this. To trust that he is going to get us through this. To trust that he ultimately has our best good in mind to bring us all to heaven to be with him forever. God tells us in His Word,

He wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4)

God earnestly wants you to be saved to have eternal life with him forever in heaven. So this is perhaps a time not to freak out and to panic but a time to return to God and His word and to his promises. And know that he loves you and that he has shown that love in Jesus Christ our Lord.

What an amazing treasure we have just in that simple verse and John 3:16 For God so loved the world. The world. We think of our worlds all in turmoil with with the corona virus and everything that he gave his only begotten Son that he gave Jesus to us as a gift that whoever — no one’s excluded, right. Whoever believes in him shall not perish shall not die eternally and be punished for their sins forever in hell, but have eternal life. An incredible treasure we have in God our Savior Jesus Christ.

What hope and confidence that gives us especially as we face so many worries and concerns even death itself. This place your trust and faith in your God especially now that.

Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota. http://peacemankato.com/

Articles: 224