After Dinner Devotions

Psalm 119:105

We often go to church on Sunday morning, maybe even bible study, send the kids to Sunday school, maybe even send them to a Christian day school.

But is there perhaps more to the Christian life that we should be living?

I know a precious treasure of mine is thinking of the wonderful fond memories I had of devotion time with our family at supper. After the meal was over we would say a prayer of thanksgiving, then Dad would pull out a devotion book and read to us from God’s word. Perhaps ask us a few questions as well. We’d then say the Lord’s prayer and sing a hymn.

It was a great way to stay connected to God’s Word as a family. Every evening. And maybe it just took 5 or 10 minutes, but it was so incredibly important for us for our spiritual life.

In Psalm 119 verse 105 it says:

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. —Psalm 119:105

We think of God’s word and how it guides us in our daily lives. Especially our lives as a family.

I encourage you, as a family, to find a good devotion book, a bible story, and to take those few minutes after supper to hear God’s word, to discuss it as a family together, to pray, and to also sing. It maybe doesn’t sound like angels singing, but God enjoys that singing. As we join together in studying God’s word and singing his praises we are guided by that word and strengthened as a family.


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Matthew Moldstad
Matthew Moldstad

Pastor Matthew Moldstad currently serves at Peace Lutheran Church in North Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 224