How God Works

Sometimes there's moments in life that are just so challenging, and yet in those moments, God can teach us things about himself and what he has done for us.

Water & Soap

This company claimed they can clean carpets and leave zero residue. It reminded me how baptism completely washes away sin, leaving zero residue.

Job’s Hope

Far too often we may think that if we live a good enough life, if we're righteous, then God will reward us.

Your Stunt Double

Batman in A Dark Knight Rises, climbs 200ft to the top of the Manhattan Bridge, and they film him up there at sunset. It's a pretty cool shot.

Only One Life

As we discuss Revelation chapter 20, there's one more part that often throws people for a loop.

Nothing New in History

If you look at those verses very closely in Revelation chapter 20, you'll see that a time will come when the devil is unleashed.

1000-Year Reign

Last week we started looking at Revelation chapter 20. We saw how God had bound the devil with Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. So now we want to ask to what effect? To what purpose?