Category Bible Books

A Shoo-in for Heaven

Are you a shoo-in for heaven? Does your profession make you a good person? The Bible is very clear when it talks about the way to heaven, just read Ephesians chapter 2:8-10.

A Savior for Fools

How wise are you? Pastor Hartwig has has made some foolish choices, maybe you have too. Be wise when it comes to your relationship with Jesus.

Imprinted On My Heart

Some roadways are so engraved into the earth they are visible from space. The church sometimes uses music to help "engrave" the promises of God into our hearts. What is your favorite hymn or worship song?

I Chose to Love You

If you have a spouse or a boyfriend or girlfriend you're probably expecting to receive a card for Valentine's Day or maybe to write one. And what will that card say? What do you hope that card says?