Only One Life

As we discuss Revelation chapter 20, there's one more part that often throws people for a loop.
Revelation 20:6, John 5:25, Ephesians 5:14

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As we discuss Revelation chapter 20, there’s one more part that often throws people for a loop. When you read it, it will say,

Blessed and holy is the one who has a share in the first resurrection. The second death has no power over them. Instead they will be priests of God and of Christ. And they will reign with him for a thousand years. (Revelation 20:6)

What is that talking about? Why does it talk about two different resurrections? And this often throws Christians for a loop. For instance, my friends who believe in the rapture would say that Jesus will come back first, once secretly, and then there will be a secret resurrection from the dead, and then he’ll come back again later, and then there’ll be another resurrection from the dead. Thus you have two resurrections from the dead. However, the simplest and easiest way to take these words is the truth that you’ve already participated in the first resurrection from the dead. In fact, it’s what Jesus promises in John chapter five when he says

A time is coming and is here now when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who listen will live. (John 5:25)

You see, faith and coming alive through faith is a real resurrection. Worked by the Holy Spirit. We are dead in our trespasses and sins, and God makes us alive through faith in Christ Jesus. The Apostle Paul says,

Awake, you who sleep. Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. (Ephesians 5:14)

That’s so important to understand because as Revelation says, blessed are they who partake in the first resurrection.

What it’s saying is that we only have one life to believe in Jesus Christ. We only have one small window and that’s it for you to come alive through faith in Jesus. The second death, eternal death in hell, has no power over you, but you will reign with Christ forever. And on the last day when Jesus raises the dead, he’ll raise you with a glorified body to inherit a beautiful new creation. However, for those who don’t believe in Jesus in this life, they too will be raised from the dead. But they won’t be raised in honor, but they’ll be raised for everlasting shame.

You see, God has made you a participant in the first resurrection. He’s forgiven your sins through faith in Jesus and made you a priest of his kingdom, so that you may participate in this first resurrection. The miraculous spread of faith and the true awakening and the true resurrection caused when a soul trapped in sin hears and believes the gospel. And for you and me to understand what a privilege that is, that we get to participate in this work, that our prayers, our offerings, our time spent in church, your talent shared with your pastor and with your church have an effect on the Kingdom that God uses you in powerful ways to participate in the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit as he continues to spread the Gospel.

As Christians who live in the end times, we look forward to Jesus second return. We know that day is coming and we know time is short. It’s all the more reason why we must urgently take up our calling to live as priests with Christ and His Kingdom. May God give you strength to this end. Amen.

Joshua Mayer
Joshua Mayer

Serving at Redeeming Grace Lutheran Church in Rodgers, MN.

Articles: 34