Important Reminder

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I am a forgetful person. I’ll forget where I set down my phone or my keys. I forget all the different tasks I have to do throughout the day. I’ll even forget the names of people who I meet. So I need to make reminders. I need to jot down the things I have to do for the day on a piece of paper so I can check them off. I’ll take notes in my phone so I can remember what I have to do. I’ll even place sticky notes all over the place saying do not forget. But the thing that I need to be reminded of the most is that God loves me.

Today you might need to be reminded that God loves you. Maybe you’re going through something right now in life. Maybe it feels like life is really tough or things are never going your way. And maybe it even feels like things are never going to get better and you can’t see a way forward. And when we’re in these low moments in life and we’re feeling sad, afraid, or even angry, our emotions have this tendency to cloud our ability to remember what’s good and only allow us to focus on what’s bad. And in those times, we need to be reminded of all the good things that God has done in our lives up until now.

All over the Bible, you can find people who, when faced with challenges, had to be reminded of all the things that God had done for them. The Israelites needed to be reminded of how God brought them out of Egypt and gave them the Promised Land. The exiles who were taken out of Jerusalem into Babylon, needed to be reminded of God’s promises for their future. Even the disciples who were with Jesus needed to be reminded over and over again of the things that Jesus did and said. And like he reminded all those people, God reminds us of his love too.

God through His Word and the Holy Spirit reminds you that you have a Savior who lived, died, and rose again to set you right with God. A Savior who is still working for your good and can get you through all situations. The truth is that no matter what you might be going through right now, there was a time in your life when you were going through something else, something that God brought you through. A time when God was working in your life to get you to where you are right now. And when we can remember all those good things that God has already done for us, we are reminded that God still loves us and that he has the power to get us through again.

It’s easy to forget about all those things that God has done for us, and we need to be reminded over and over again of his love. So today, remember that God loves you. Jesus has died for you and your sins are forgiven. God promises that he is working for your good and that you are going to be okay. Amen.

Skyler Hepler
Skyler Hepler

Vicar Skyler Hepler is a currently serving Resurrection Lutheran Church in Winter Haven, FL.

Articles: 7