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Where did we come from?
Where did we come from? Where did the world come from? Where did the universe come from?
Genesis 1:1
Where did we come from? Where did the world come from? Where did the universe come from? Those are important questions that human beings have been asking themselves throughout all of human history. Many people over the course of human history have answered the question this way that they’ve said, well, something must have made this world in which we live, something must have made me. They’ve looked at all the evidence around them. They’ve seen the trees and the grass and the animals. They’ve seen the weather patterns and all the different physical attributes of this world. They’ve analyzed themselves. The fact that they have eyes and ears and nose and mouth, that they have fingers and toes, and they’ve looked at this amazing, complex world and their amazing and complex bodies and has led them to think something must have made all of this. Something must have made this world that I see with my own eyes. Something must have made me because I am pretty incredible as far as my body. This world in which I live is pretty incredible and pretty complex as well.
It was only in recent centuries that human beings have thought different. Instead of believing that there is a creator, they’ve rejected that notion, and they said, that’s mythology. To believe that there is a God is like believing that there’s some spaghetti monster in the sky that doesn’t exist. Why believe that? And instead they’ve replaced that idea that something created this world and created me with the idea that all that we see, and even ourselves, came about by chance, through the big bang and through the course of chance events that occurred over billions of years, it all came into being.
But if you think about that, even that sort of answer to where I came from, where the world came from, still presents a number of problems. You still have the issue of where did the original material come from? Is material eternal, from which the big bang came, or even the question, what caused the big bang? How in the world could that big bang have happened if there weren’t other things that were living that would have caused the chemicals to mix together and things like that as well.
The Bible tells us clearly where we came from, where the world came from, in its very first verse in Genesis chapter one, verse one,
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)
The Bible goes on to tell us that God created the entire world in six 24-hour days. He did it from nothing by simply speaking the word. Let there be light and there was light. The Bible testifies that there is a God, and that God is all wise and all powerful, and really explains a lot concerning what we see in our world. It explains all of the complexity that we see in the Earth and the universe, and even in ourselves as well. But the Bible doesn’t just tell us where we came from and where the world came from. It also tells us what has happened to our world. It’s been corrupted by sin, and that’s why the world around us is no longer perfect. That’s why people get diseases and they die. This is why bad things happen in our world. Because sin is in our world. Evil is in our world because humans caused that to be.
But the Bible also reveals that God has a plan to rescue us from this world that’s broken and corrupted by sin, to bring us to be in a new and perfect world, a new heavens and a new earth, as it’s described in Holy Scripture. And he says that the way that we can be there and be part of that new heavens and new earth with him forever, is only through a Savior, Jesus, who has lived and died for us.
So those are some pretty big questions for us to wrestle with. Where did the world come from? Where did I come from? Let us see the evidence around us in creation, in ourselves, but especially in God’s Word. Know and believe what God tells us there that he is the creator of heaven and earth, but he is also the one who has in love, sent his Son to save us. Amen.