Let God be God

(This is part four of a four part devotion series. You can find the other parts on our Born Again Series page. )

John 3:11,16

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As we conclude our study on John chapter three and Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, I want to end by asking, what’s our responsibility as born again children of God? And there are two things I want to focus on today.

The first is a responsibility towards humility. When you look at John chapter three, there’s really one thing that’s keeping Nicodemus from being born again. And do you know what that is? It’s his big head. You see, Nicodemus wants to figure things out. He wants to have an answer for everything. And even though, like as a pastor, I really appreciate good questions and always encourage people to search for answers in Holy Scripture, there’s also a time and a place for recognizing that you know what, my head is getting too big. I need to step out of the way. I need to let God be God. And recognizing humility that I will never fully understand him, that there are some things that God has chosen and God has done that are so much bigger than I am, and so much beyond my ability to understand that true faith means I’ll humble myself, accept it, and let God push me through that birth canal.

The second thing I want to focus on is the role of testimony. See, Jesus says something very interesting. He says to Nicodemus, we know he’s talking about the Triune God. “We testify to what we have seen and yet you people still will not believe our testimony.” (John 3:11) When we think of testimony, especially in connection with being born again, oftentimes in Christian culture, sharing your testimony means talking about your conversion story. How did God suddenly, miraculously take me and work faith in my heart?

Sometimes sharing our stories can kind of become a competition to see who can tell the best story. But really, when it comes to a Christian’s testimony, it’s not about me at all. It’s all about God. It’s all about the Triune God and what he’s done for me.

God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

God so loved worthless me that he sent His Holy Spirit into my heart, so that I would believe and take and receive Jesus as my true Savior from sin and death. When it comes to talking about our testimonies, I find that oftentimes we’re embarrassed if we don’t have a great story to share. But honestly, nothing’s more relatable than that because most people have a pretty boring story. It’s not about me at all. Instead, let me tell you about Jesus. Amen.

Joshua Mayer
Joshua Mayer

Serving at Redeeming Grace Lutheran Church in Rodgers, MN.

Articles: 34