Embrace Your Gifts

Romans 12:3,6, 1 Corinthians 12:7,24

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I am better at some things than other people are. I am better at some things than other people are. And so are you. Did that make you uncomfortable, though, to hear me say that? It actually felt kind of uncomfortable for me to say I’m better at some things than other people are. But I am, and you are.

God created us unique with different gifts. Think about Romans chapter 12. It says that we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us. (Romans 12:6) Let us use them. We are all gifted in different ways and we need to embrace that because how can you use them if you’re not honest about how you’re you’re gifted?

But I think part of why we get uncomfortable is something Paul said earlier in that same chapter in Romans.

For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. (Romans 12:3)

So you see those verses and it’s like, don’t think too highly of yourself. And so when I say, oh, I’m more gifted at this than somebody else is, it feels like I’m propping myself up. What do I what do I do with that? Well, the first thing I do with that, and the first thing we can do with that is if we have sensed pride where we are feeling too high about ourselves, we lay that at the cross of Jesus, and we confess that to him and be assured that we are forgiven, that we are right. You are right with him through faith, know that you are loved and right with God and chosen by him.

But then also look back to God’s Word. And in first Corinthians chapter 12, I found a lot of help with this. First Corinthians, chapter 12, it talks about how each of us is given the manifestation of the spirit for the common good. (1 Corinthians 12:7) God the spirit shows up in every single Christian. He shows up in the ways that he gives us our gifts and those unique gifts I’ve been given the unique gifts that you’ve been given. But then there’s some other helpful verses that come in that section too. Because a bit later in verse 24, first Corinthians 12, it talks about how the more presentable parts do not require this extra special treatment in a way. But instead it says

But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, (1 Corinthians 12:24)

In other words, the part that God honors is the part that maybe looks less impressive to us. Wait, there’s parts that are better than others. It’s a whole picture really pointing out to us that that what we might look at as being a valuable part of the body of Christ, God doesn’t judge by those same standards. Everybody has their gift for their reason, for their part. No gift is truly better than the others. Which means then I can be all in with whatever gift I have. Because whatever gift I have doesn’t make me better or worse than other people. And whatever gift you have doesn’t make you better or worse than other people. Because the gifts don’t change your value before Christ. Your value is found in Christ.

So acknowledge your gift. Go all in with your gift. Embrace your gift. Knowing your gift doesn’t change your value or your standing before God that’s already set in Jesus. Your gift is given to you to be used for his glory, for the building up of the church, and for reaching those around you. Embrace your gifts.

Nate Abrahamson
Nate Abrahamson

Pastor Nate Abrahamson currently serves at Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church in Cottage Grove, WI and Fort Atkinson, WI.

Articles: 31