Warning Labels

1 Corinthians 10:12

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Our lesson for today is First Corinthians chapter ten, verses 12.

So if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall. (1 Corinthians 10:12)

It seems as if there is a warning label on everything. My wife’s curling iron, I’ll see it sitting on the counter with a warning tag. The tag says do not use in the shower. If you flip that tag on the other side, it says do not use to straighten your eyelashes. Well, of course not. But the reason they put that on there is because people have done that and people have ignored the warnings.

It can be dangerous if a warning is ignored. We see a warning in our verses today, don’t we? The warning to be careful, to not be confident in ourselves. Sometimes we ignore that warning and you might think to yourself, I don’t ignore the warning. I never think that I have perfect footing. But oftentimes we do.

And this is how it manifests. The times that we skip church because we’ve got something else to do. The days where we go without praying because we’re busy. The days that passed without a single devotion reading because we’ve got too much going on. When we do those things, we are essentially saying, I’m not worried about my footing. My faith is firmly planted. There’s nothing that can shake me. But God gives a warning for a reason. Warnings exist for a reason. That confidence can lead us to have the ground fall out from beneath us.

So where can we find that solid ground? It’s not going to be in ourselves. It’s not going to be in our efforts. It’s not going to be in the things that we do. Christ is that solid ground. Christ is that sure foundation. It’s not up to us to make a foundation to stand on. It’s not up to us to have our faith based on something we’re doing. Rather, we have a sure foundation in Christ, a foundation that no matter what life throws at us, it cannot crumble. No matter what happens, it is always solid.

An important question to ask is how did it come to be that we had this foundation? What’s it built on? It’s built on Christ. He built that foundation as he hung on the cross. He built that foundation as he says, it is finished. He built that foundation when he rose from the dead. So we have a solid foundation because of Christ, because of that sacrifice he made for us. Our footing is sure. We rejoice in that perfect foundation we have in our Savior. Amen.

Austin Ziche
Austin Ziche

Today's devotion is provided by Pastor Austin Ziche. Pastor Ziche currently serves at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Maple Grove, Minnesota.

Articles: 5