I Know a Guy

Psalm 50:15, 1 Peter 5:7

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If you’ve ever faced a problem and you’ve needed help, how great is it when you know a guy? Or maybe you don’t know a guy, but you have a friend and they say, oh, I know a guy who can help you. I love having friends like that. When I’m in need of a tool I don’t have, or there’s this problem at home that I can’t fix to be able to call someone, or maybe to have someone else say, I know a guy that you can go to.

For you and me, we also have someone that we can go to for any spiritual problem that we have more than any spiritual problem, any problem that we have in our life. I know a guy that can help, and that, of course, is God. You have the ability to go directly to God. Think about how cool this is. God invites you to approach him, to come to him with any need at all. Come to him in prayer. He pleads with us, come to me and I will be there. Psalm 50, verse 15, God says,

Call on me in the day of trouble;
I will deliver you, and you will honor me. (Psalm 50:15)

He says, come to me, I’ve got your back. Also in the New Testament, in first Peter five verse seven, it says,

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

Do you have a problem? When we face a problem or situation in life, we are encouraged to take it to God. We get to go to Almighty God, who has the power and the willingness to help us with our struggles with our problems. And he says, drop them off here. I want to know what’s going on, and I want to be able to help you. Come see me. So are you going through a struggle or difficulty? Do you have a problem? Well, I know a guy who can help and that is Almighty God.

And we know that he loves you. He desires to help you. He’s proven that by giving his own son, Jesus Christ, to die on a cross, to forgive you your sins, to establish a relationship of love between you and him. And lovingly he will be there for you, for your needs. So do you have a problem? Go to God. Take it up with God in prayer. I know a guy and you know a guy through Christ your Savior.

And what about the other people around you when they are having problems or struggles? Maybe you have a family member or a friend who might be sick in trouble, maybe in the hospital. Well, you know, a guy that you can introduce them to as well. We have Almighty God who wants to hear from us, who encourages us to turn to him in prayer and to trust that he loves us and will be at work for our good. What a blessing it is that we know a guy, we know Almighty God, and we get to go and talk to him through this awesome gift that he has given to us of prayer. Peace be with you.

Luke Ulrich
Luke Ulrich

Pastor Luke Ulrich currently serves at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in Mankato, Minnesota.

Articles: 50