Jesus is Your Peace

Mark 4:39, John 24:36, John 19:30

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“Peace, be still.” Jesus said. (Mark 4:39) And instantly the wind and the waves died down. The sea was so calm you could see the stars reflected in its surface. Can you picture it? That perfect peace.

That peace characterizes the life of the Christian. It’s a peace that Jesus wants you to have. It’s a peace that he, Jesus, came to give his disciples that very first Easter day when he appeared to them and said, “peace be with you.” (John 24:36) However, even though many Christians today believe that Jesus really rose from the dead, their faith is full of doubt. They doubt because when we look inside our hearts, I see everything but peace. When I look inside my heart I see a sea of regret. I see wind and waves of temptations. I see storms of sin and doubt and fear. And when I look inside I see everything but peace. And so, so often for a Christian, when we see that, we can start to ask ourselves, can I really have faith, then? Can I really be saved?

It’s important for us to know that when it comes to the Christian’s peace. Our peace doesn’t come from looking within ourselves. Our peace comes from focusing on Jesus, and that’s why he showed the disciples the wounds in his hands and feet that very first Easter morning. Those wounds are your peace. Those wounds mean that your sins are forgiven. Jesus has suffered the storms of hell on the cross, and he calmed those storms with his own quiet, be still. “It is finished.” (John 19:30)

Jesus wounds mean your peace because those wounds are where we find healing. We live in a world where we’ve both wounded others and others have wounded us. But when we see those marks on Jesus, when we see Jesus, who was transformed, who went through this metamorphosis Easter morning, who, when we saw him before on the cross, was bloody and gory, but on Easter morning he is resurrected in glory. You worship the God who takes scars and he uses them as proof that no sin, not the devil, and none of the powers of hell have the power to defeat Jesus. And they don’t have the power to defeat you.

Those wounds are your peace, because those wounds mean that Jesus gives you the power of the forgiveness of sins. And that is power. You know, in a world where we’re constantly told that we’re the victims and we look at all the different ways that we’re victims. Forgiveness empowers you. You’re able to turn to someone and say, I forgive you. You roll the stone away and call them alive from the dead of their own sin. That’s power. Jesus gives you peace. And I want you to know today that the peace gives is so much more than your emotions.

We’ll always have emotions. We’ll always have storms. But the peace Jesus gives you is deeper. It’s the bedrock on the base of the sea. And no matter what storms come our way, nothing can change that fact. Christ has risen. He is your peace. Amen.

Joshua Mayer
Joshua Mayer

Serving at Redeeming Grace Lutheran Church in Rodgers, MN.

Articles: 34