Hidden Away

Colossians 3:3

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The wedding rings on your wedding day. The money that you make at your job. Secrets that you don’t want anyone else to know. These are all things that you want to keep safe. You don’t want to lose them. And so in order to keep them safe, you might entrust them to someone else.

The money that you make at your job, you might entrust to a bank in your checking account or savings account. The wedding rings on your wedding day, you might entrust to the best man, and he’ll keep them safe. Hold on to them until that time in the wedding ceremony, a secret that you don’t want anyone else to know. You might tell a friend, a close friend, someone you know will keep it to themselves.

We all have something that is more precious and valuable to us than all of those things. We have life, eternal life, all in Christ Jesus our Savior. Jesus died on the cross and rose again so that we would have forgiveness of all of our sins. And that we would possess life and salvation. And this life we have in Jesus became ours on the day of our baptism, and through those waters we were connected with Jesus and what Jesus has done for us and what he offers to us so freely. Our sins were washed away. We died to sin. Our old life with sin is gone. We now live and have eternal life. We are raised with Christ. We are alive even now.

But in him we also have that eternal life, and we want that kept safe and secure because it is so precious and so valuable to us, is more precious than anything else we could ever have or ever possess in this world. A priceless treasure. But living in this world, we sometimes wonder if it truly is safe and secure.

When we experience the results of living in this sinful world, that still has an effect on us every single day. Does that affect the life we have in Jesus? Can something so horrible in this world, can that take the life we have in Jesus away? Or is our life kept safe and secure? Is it kept in a secure place for us? After reminding us that we are raised with Christ, who himself was raised from the dead. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians in chapter three, verse three,

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. (Colossians 3:3 EHV)

Jesus, who gives us our life, as redeemed children of God is the very same person who keeps it safe and secure. Who better than Jesus to keep it safe and secure for us? We may not be able to see the life we have in Jesus right now. We will see it. And we know that it’s ours. We are certain of it. It is hidden away, locked away. And nothing can ever take that life away from us and is kept safe and secure. And it will be seen and forever enjoyed. But for now it is kept safe, hidden away with Christ. Amen.

Preston Heuer
Preston Heuer

Pastor Preston Heuer currently serves at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Elk River, Minnesota.

Articles: 8