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Amazing Prophecy
One of the amazing things about this Christmas season and Christ's birth, is that it was prophesied hundreds of years before he came.
Matthew 2:6
One of the amazing things about this Christmas season and Christ’s birth, is that it was prophesied hundreds of years before he came. The scriptures declare to us even the location where he would be born. Here are these wonderful words from Matthew chapter two, verse six.
“‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’” (Matthew 2:6)
From near the beginning of time, God promised to send a Savior into this world for you. This promise first arrived as recorded for us in chapter three of Genesis from the fall into sin. This fall into sin caused death and suffering to enter into this world. You all experience these symptoms of sin as death and suffering are inevitable. And it is because you experience these symptoms that God promised to send a Savior for you. And this promise is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
As the centuries went by, God revealed to us more and more about who this Savior would be, what he would do, and even what his name would be. Our verse from Matthew is first recorded for us by the prophet Micah, where we learn the location of where the Savior will be born.
God has given you many promises in this world. And this promise of a Savior is fulfilled in the perfect life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He is that ruler who will come to shepherd you, his people. He took your sins upon himself on the cross and paid for them entirely. As your loving shepherd. He will defend you. He has conquered death for you as a shepherd defends his sheep from danger and death. So to Christ protects and delivers you from eternal death. The victory that he won on the cross is yours through faith.
Jesus will also sustain your life as a shepherd, guides and feeds his sheep, so to Christ guides and feeds you with His word. He promises to listen to your worries and to your anxieties, and he always fulfills his promises. So in this Christmas season, rejoice in this wonderful message of a Savior who came for you. Who delivered you from all of your sins. Who loves you and guides you and all your days. Cling to your loving shepherd. Amen.