Support From Others

Exodus 17:8-13

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Have you ever tried holding your hands up for a long time? Just holding them up just like this. Maybe holding up something? How long can you hold it? Five minutes? Ten minutes? 15? Maybe you’re strong. Maybe you could hold them up long. But soon enough, your arm started to get tired. And your hands start dropping.

The Israelites were battling against the Amalekites. And as long as Moses held up his hands, they were winning the battle. But, you know, his hands got tired, his arms started to droop just a little bit. And they started losing. And so Aaron and Hur came and they held up his hands. They pushed on his arms so that his hands could be still raised. And they won the battle because Aaron and Hur were holding up Moses hands during that battle. And of course, God was behind that battle. God was the reason they won. But look at the support that Aaron and Hur gave to Moses. They supported him as he held up his hands.

We might think our life of faith we can walk it all on our own, that we don’t need other people to help hold up our hands and to keep us going every day. And yet, when our hands get weary and struggles come into our life, they start to droop and we can’t keep them up. They’re hard to keep going every single day. And yes, God remains with us every single day. God does help us and he is with us and remains with us every single day of our life. And yet he also sends people like Aaron and Hur to help us. To hold up our hands, to support us every single day.

When we grow weary, there they are with words of comfort. Fellow Christians who love us and care for us. They encourage us, comfort us. Every single day we gather for worship or with other Christians. We get that encouragement and comfort. We’re holding each other up. When we talk with someone we love and care about and we hear what’s on their minds and we just listen and respond with promises of God. There we are holding up each other’s hands too.

What a blessing it is to have people like Aaron and Hur in our life that God sends into our life to bless us and to support us and encourage us every single day. Amen.

Preston Heuer
Preston Heuer

Pastor Preston Heuer currently serves at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Elk River, Minnesota.

Articles: 8