He Provides For You

Exodus 17:6

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When you go to your kitchen faucet and you turn it on, what do you expect to happen? Do you expect water to come running out of that faucet? When you go to the store, do you expect to find groceries and food on the shelves? When you come to the table for a meal? Do you expect food to be there in the table that someone has so wondrously and graciously made for you?

The answer to all that is yes. We expect those things, we often take them for granted. But God’s people, well they couldn’t go to the faucet as they’re wandering in the desert. They couldn’t just go to the store and find food. And at one point they went and there was no water. And they grumbled and complained at Moses. And they were near rebellion against Moses because they were thirsty. So, so thirsty in the desert. So Moses went to God and God had an answer for Moses. Exodus chapter 17, verse six. God says to Moses,

Watch me. I will stand there in front of you on the Rock and Horeb. You are to strike the rock. Water will come out of it and the people will drink. (Exodus 17:6)

And so that’s what Moses did. He went to the rock, took his staff and struck the rock and water flowed out like a faucet. If we have all those things, the water from the faucet, the food and the grocery store, the food, our table, and all of a sudden they were gone. Would we complain like the Israelites? Would we grumble against God as if he wasn’t really providing for us at all?

What God said to Moses he says to us too. To watch him and watch him and he will provide. Just watch and see how God who created the world and preserves the world, he still provides for you and for me. He provides for all that we need, even if it doesn’t look like it. He’s doing a very good job of that. We know God keeps his promises. And we know God can and he does care for us every day. Just look at the Son he sent into the world, the Son he sent to die on the cross for you and for me. And if he’s done that, then certainly he will continue to care for us and provide for all our needs. Amen.

Preston Heuer
Preston Heuer

Pastor Preston Heuer currently serves at Abiding Savior Lutheran Church in Elk River, Minnesota.

Articles: 8