Single Greatest Message

1 Peter 5:7-8

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In first Peter Chapter five Peter does something really interesting for us. He has this verse where he says,

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

And the very next verse is

Be self-controlled and alert. For your enemy, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

Well, I want to spend the next couple episodes talking with you about those verses. And first of all, I want to ask, why would anyone, anyone want to be a Christian? I mean, honestly, if you look at Christianity, look at how divided it is. For instance, in the religion of Judaism there are three main branches and that divides into eight different denominations. In the religion of Islam, you’ve got two main branches and that divides into 72 different denominations. How about Christianity? Christianity has six main branches and it divides into 43 thousand denominations. Who would want to be a Christian?

Not only is Christianity divided, but Christianity is full of scandal. When was the last time you heard about a rabbi taking advantage of his position in a synagogue or an imam using his power and influence in an illegal way over the members of his mosque? But you hear it all the time in Christianity, don’t you? Terrible, tragic stories about pastors and priests abusing their special privilege and position to take advantage of God’s flock.

Or look at it this way, why on earth would you want to be a Christian when there are 195 countries on the face of the planet and Christianity is publicly persecuted in 145 of them? It’s the most persecuted religion on the face of the planet. They say that every day 12 churches are attacked. Up to 12 Christians are arrested and held in prison without any cause other than their faith. At least five Christians, even small children, are abducted for their faith. And at least 13 Christians die every day for their faith in Jesus. It’s a lot of oppressive statistics, but if you take a step back and look at the big picture, what is really happening?

Everyone in our world today admits that evil is real. There has to be evil out there in the world. But then you have to ask the question, why does evil so specifically target one faith above all the rest? For us, this should be like a giant neon arrow pointing to the Christian faith, saying there is something hidden there that evil does not want you to find. And what that is, is the pearl of great price. The precious truth of the gospel that Jesus Christ died was raised again and gives eternal life to all who believe on him. This is a faith that overcomes the world and conquers evil.

And if you look at even from the very beginning of time, the very first martyr was Able. From the very beginning, the devil has been trying to wipe the Christian faith off the earth. And for thousands of years he has failed. Despite all the persecutions, all the scandals, all the division in the true faith. He has failed. It is a single greatest message of resilience in all of history and despite all odds, Christianity has clung on to Jesus as their Savior. Christians have remained steadfast in the faith all through the power of the Gospel. And for you and me, that means we get to be part of that powerful gospel message today. Amen.

Joshua Mayer
Joshua Mayer

Serving at Redeeming Grace Lutheran Church in Rodgers, MN.

Articles: 34