Resting Securely (Part 1)

Psalm 16:9-10

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Psalm 16 tells us

My body will rest secure, for you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your holy one see decay. (Psalm 16:9-10)

When I think of those words, I will rest secure. I picture a little child being tucked into bed, sleeping safe and sound. And for the next two times I’m with you. I want to spend some time looking at just this verse from Psalm 16.

You see, the first thing about sleeping safe and sound is you have to know that you’re in the right house. And what I mean by that is, why are you a Christian? It’s a really important question for us to ask ourselves and for each one of us to know what the answer is. Why am I a Christian? And I can’t answer that question for you. But I can tell you my answer. My answer comes back to this Psalm, Psalm 16, where the Prophet David says,

You will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your holy one see decay. (Psalm 16:10)

But who is David talking about? He can’t be talking about himself because David is dead, buried, and his body decayed. You see what’s really interesting about not just this verse and really the whole book of Psalms is every, every major religion today admits that the Old Testament or the Psalms is some kind of a spiritual, authoritative revelation. And so the question becomes, if you look at Psalm 16, who is God’s holy one? Every religion has their answers to that. However, if you look at Siddartha, Gautama, the first Buddha, he’s dead, buried, his body decayed. Or Muhammad is dead, buried, and his body decayed. Joseph Smith is dead, buried, his body decayed. Karl Marx dead, buried, his body decayed. Jesus Christ, dead, buried… well, as a point of fact, we don’t have a body for Jesus. As a point of fact, in the first century, the enemies of Christianity, all they had to do was pull out a body, any corpse, it didn’t even have to be Jesus corpse, all they had to do was pull out a body and say, here he is. And Christianity would have been done.

But the point of fact is there is no body for Jesus because God did not let His holy one see decay. By raising Jesus from the dead. That was his proof to the world that Jesus is his Son and that Jesus spoke for the one true God in heaven.

See I asked a gentleman just a few weeks ago, I asked him, Why are you Christian? He put it to me like this. He said, Well, imagine if you’re at a horse race and all the other horses are dead. I know which horse I’ll put my money on. The living one.

You have a living Savior. God raised Jesus to life from the dead. He’s the one I put my money on because he is the Lord of life. And who in history, of all the religious leaders in history, who ever had the audacity to claim that they had power over death. Not one of them. Only Jesus. He not only had the audacity to make that claim, but then he proved it. God raised him to life from the dead. He is exactly who he says he is. He is your Lord and your Savior. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in him shall have eternal life. Amen.

Joshua Mayer
Joshua Mayer

Serving at Redeeming Grace Lutheran Church in Rodgers, MN.

Articles: 34