Be Where the Holy Spirit Works

1 Corinthians 12:3

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Well, a portion of God’s word that I would like to expand upon today is one that you may know from memory, and it’s from 1 Corinthians chapter 12, verse three, in which God’s Word says

No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:3)

And so today I just want to talk a little bit about how the Holy Spirit works in our lives. And I want you to think of the front of a sanctuary. At the front of the sanctuary, there are three pieces of furniture, and that is the pulpit and the baptismal font and the altar. And what is it that happens at the pulpit? Well, that’s where God’s word is proclaimed as the pastor reads from God’s word in the scripture readings and in the sermon. And there the Holy Spirit is working through the word to point us to our Savior Jesus and to connect us to Him.

Think of the baptismal font and what it is that happens there. There water and God’s word comes together to bring a child or a person to faith, to believe in Jesus as their Savior. And so at the baptismal font, another piece of furniture in the sanctuary, the Holy Spirit is working to connect us to our Savior Jesus.

And then thirdly, the altar. At the altar is where the Lord’s Supper is consecrated and distributed, and the Holy Spirit is working through Jesus body and blood connected with His Word to point us to our Savior Jesus. And all three things give us exactly what we need, the forgiveness of our sin. So we are with our Savior, Jesus in Heaven for all eternity.

Today, I also want to talk to you about the relationships that we have in our life and whether it’s a mom or dad, a brother or a sister, a friend, a boyfriend or a girlfriend, a husband or a wife, and that person is either going to draw you closer to your Savior Jesus, or that person is going to take you away from your faith in Jesus as your Savior. And if in a relationship we are pulled away from our faith in Jesus as our Savior, it could have eternal consequences where we are separated from Jesus for all eternity.

And so in our relationships, to find those people that draw us closer to our Savior Jesus and to work through those means that I talked about just a little bit ago of the Holy Spirit working through the word, working through baptism, working through the Lord’s Supper.

Now, primarily, where do we find those things? We find those things in church and where is it that I want to be so that the Holy Spirit can go to work? I want to be in church. And so my encouragement for you is to also be in that place where the Holy Spirit works so that we can be built and strengthened in our faith, in Jesus as our Savior and receive the very thing that we need, the forgiveness of our sins so that we have everlasting life with Him in heaven. Amen.

Bernt Tweit
Bernt Tweit

Pastor Bernt Tweit serves at King of Grace Lutheran Church in Golden Valley Minnesota.

Articles: 1